Introducing Global Tech Policy Circles

The Global Tech Policy Circles bring together experts and movement-builders from diverse backgrounds who are invested in building a more equitable Internet for the future. It is a platform that aims to foster informed, collaborative dialogues to shape Internet policies in low- and middle-income countries (known as the Global South or the Global Majority). By delving into the impact of content moderation, privacy and artificial intelligence within this context, these Circles empower participants with the knowledge, resource and community needed to navigate the evolving digital landscape and advocate for inclusive Internet policies.  

Why This Matters

For too long, discussions on Internet policies have revolved around a few select Western democracies. Despite over 60% of the world’s Internet users living in low- and middle-income countries, their voices are rarely heard. This systematic exclusion has led to Internet policies in the Global South often being too heavy-handed, contextually irrelevant, or altogether absent, leaving their populations vulnerable to disproportionate harms. 

The modern Internet has significant influence on our personal and national lives, including in critical areas like elections, civic participation and media freedoms. It is imperative that Global South communities take control of their Internet futures, especially as we are headed to a year with over 50 elections worldwide.  These Circles aim to build local communities focused on structural tech policy issues and amplify underrepresented voices on the global stage. Instead of focusing on specific legislations or cases, these discussions take a more comprehensive view of the Internet ecosystem and tech accountability to shape present and future governance.

How It’s Structured

Circles are led by community leaders and anchored in our values of Diversity, Equity and Empathy. The discussions are held under Chatham House rules to ensure people feel comfortable being honest and open. Each Circle event has a specific theme and reading materials are provided to registered participants in advance. These thematic readings are meant to be a conversation starter and to facilitate common ground across cultures, regions and backgrounds. Community leaders and participants tailor discussions to address the community’s specific needs with the goal of enabling people to connect, engage and build ownership into the Global South tech movement. 

How To Register

The inaugural series of Global Tech Policy Circle events will be in London (United Kingdom), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Colombo (Sri Lanka), Toronto (Canada) and Cape Town (South Africa). We’re planning to announce more events in cities in East Africa, West Africa, Southeast Asia, Central and South America. Please click below to sign up!

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Event Details
Registered participants will receive confirmed location via email.

Friday, October 27, 7-8:30PM
Amwell Street

Thursday, November 2, 4:30-6:30PM 
Station Road

Monday, November 6, 4PM-6PM
Gulshan 2

Friday, November 17, 7-9PM 
The Annex