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Submission: Oversight Board on Altered Video of President Biden
Head of Research
Community Member
In October, the Oversight Board announced a case in relation to an altered video of President Biden in the U.S. Despite a user reporting the content as altered media, Meta decided to leave the content on the platform indicating that its Manipulated Media policy only applies to content generated by artificial intelligence or to those in which a subject is shown saying words that they did not say. Available news coverage also indicates that the video has been altered.
The Oversight Board selected this case to assess whether Meta’s policies adequately cover altered videos that could mislead people into believing that politicians have taken actions, outside of speech, that they have not. Tech Global Institute members, Theodora Skeadas and Shahzeb Mahmood, responded to the Board’s request to submit comments, indicating we did not agree with Meta’s decision and recommended removal of the altered video because of its possible impact on civic participation and political processes.
Our key takeaways are highlighted below. The full comments are available here.
Head of Research
Shahzeb Mahmood is the Head of Research at Tech Global Institute, specializing in Internet and technology laws. He previously served as legal counsel to telecom, Internet and FAANG companies.
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