Our Input to the NETmundial+10 Consultation

Tech Global Institute has provided our input to the open consultation process organized by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br) in anticipation of NETmundial+10. The NETmundial+10 event will build on the outcomes of the first edition of the NETmundial meeting in 2014 to advance discussions on the further implementation of multi-stakeholder practices in the digital world. The consultation will serve as the basis for the development of the event’s final recommendations for the future of the digital governance ecosystem.

In our submission, we confirmed our support for the 2014 NETmundial Process Principles and the ten Internet Governance Process Principles, indicating that they remain relevant today. We emphasized that inclusive and decentralized models that incorporated accountability throughout the process will be critical for the success for the future of the digital governance ecosystem. We highlighted:

  • The current tension between multilateral and multistakeholder processes is negatively impacting the public’s trust in a shared digital future. There is a significant gap in incorporating non-governmental voices (civil society, technical communities, academics, youth and marginalized communities) in existing consultations on governance decisions that disproportionately excludes and impacts the Global Majority.
  • There are competing mechanisms around global digital governance with proposals for new mechanisms. We recommend that existing institutions are reformed instead of duplicating efforts, and that the multistakeholder model emphasizes the need for public consultations as a standard effective reform processes.
  • The NETmundial+10 event has the opportunity to influence concurrent processes this year, particularly in bridging between siloed efforts. It is necessary that stakeholders are held accountable for both process and outcome of different initiatives.

Our full submission is available for download on our website.